Component: FDR
Financial Disclosure Score
Strength of the legal framework on financial disclosure for politicians
Financial Disclosure for Head of State
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for Heads of State, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations
Financial Disclosure for Ministers
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for Ministers, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations
Financial Disclosure for Members of Parliament
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for members of Parliament, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations
Financial Disclosure for Civil servants
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for civil servants, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations