Component: FoIR
Freedom of Information Score
Strength of the legal framework on access to information
Scope and coverage
This indicator assesses the scope of public information disclosure, including the coverage of both public and private sectors, and the access to specific documents, whether subject to reactive and/or proactive disclosure
Information access and release
This indicator evaluates existing procedures to access public information and the deadlines for its release
Exceptions and Overrides
This indicator assesses exemptions to disclosure and the availability of appeals processes
Sanctions for non-compliance
This indicator assesses the presence of specified sanctions for violations of disclosure requirements, including administrative sanctions, fines, and criminal sanctions
Monitoring and Oversight
This indicator evaluates the existence of institutional mechanisms to support the implementation of disclosure requirements, including the mandatory appointment of information officers in public agencies, the designation of a public body responsible for applying sanctions, the presence of a public body dedicated to public outreach, the establishment of a nodal agency for RTI implementation support and compliance, the legal specification of the Ombudsman's involvement in implementation, and the requirement for reporting data and/or implementation.