EuroPAM is a comprehensive assessment designed to provide detailed information on various accountability mechanisms across European countries. It is primarily used to determine the strength of a country's legal framework vis-a-vis international best practices in areas that are deemed relevant to prevent and detect corruption such as access to information, political finance, and asset disclosure, among others. More information regarding the methodology can be found at:
Conflict of Interest Score
Strength of the legal framework on conflict of interest
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation restricts specific variations of conflict of interest such as accepting gifts, private firm/stock ownership, holding government contracts, etc.
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation stipulates fines, penal sanctions, or administrative sanctions for violations of COI regulations restricting behavior
Monitoring and Oversight
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation incorporates designates specific monitoring and enforcement bodies for matters of conflict of interest.
Financial Disclosure Score
Strength of the legal framework on financial disclosure for politicians
Financial Disclosure for Head of State
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for Heads of State, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations
Financial Disclosure for Ministers
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for Ministers, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations
Financial Disclosure for Members of Parliament
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for members of Parliament, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations
Financial Disclosure for Civil servants
This indicator evaluates various aspects of financial disclosure for civil servants, including the items required to be disclosed, the frequency of filing, the sanctions for non-compliance, the mechanisms for monitoring and oversight, and public access to the declarations
Freedom of Information Score
Strength of the legal framework on access to information
Scope and coverage
This indicator assesses the scope of public information disclosure, including the coverage of both public and private sectors, and the access to specific documents, whether subject to reactive and/or proactive disclosure
Information access and release
This indicator evaluates existing procedures to access public information and the deadlines for its release
Exceptions and Overrides
This indicator assesses exemptions to disclosure and the availability of appeals processes
Sanctions for non-compliance
This indicator assesses the presence of specified sanctions for violations of disclosure requirements, including administrative sanctions, fines, and criminal sanctions
Monitoring and Oversight
This indicator evaluates the existence of institutional mechanisms to support the implementation of disclosure requirements, including the mandatory appointment of information officers in public agencies, the designation of a public body responsible for applying sanctions, the presence of a public body dedicated to public outreach, the establishment of a nodal agency for RTI implementation support and compliance, the legal specification of the Ombudsman's involvement in implementation, and the requirement for reporting data and/or implementation.
Political Financing Score
Strength of the legal framework on campaign and political financing
Bans and limits on private income
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation contemplates bans on private donations, including from foreign interests, corporations, trade unions, and anonymous sources.
Public funding
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation incorporates provisions to determine eligibility for public funding to political parties and how public funding is allocated. Additionally, the indicator considers whether public funding to political parties incorporates provisions to foster gender equality among political parties and candidates.
Regulations on spending
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation incorporates limits on spending and bans certain expenditures including vote-buying or the use of state resources to favor or disadvantage specific political parties or candidates.
Reporting, oversight and sanctions
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation defines specific reporting standards for political parties and campaign expenditures, as well as the existence of an adequate institutional framework to examine financial reports, investigate violations, and sanction political parties in case of infractions.
Public Procurement Score
Strength of the legal framework on public procurement
Scope and coverage
This indicator captures mainly the existing thresholds above which the public procurement regulation applies in different sectors and types of products.
Information availability
This indicator captures the amount of information available online to trace the different stages of the procurement process, from tendering to contracting.
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation establishes specific criteria to evaluate the bids received and avoid preferential treatment. This includes, among others, reasons for exclusion, clauses that favour national companies over international ones.
Open competition
This indicator captures the extent to which the existing legal framework in a country helps guarantee open and competitive procurement procedures by ensuring the publication of the terms of reference, requiring a minimum number of bidders, and defining the minimum number of days that bidding processes remain open.
Institutional arrangements
This indicator captures whether the existing legislation in a country establishes an institutional framework to regulate public procurement and process complaints.