
Cross-border corruption cases initiated null

The number of cross-border initiated cases involving firms and foreign public officials by country. The dataset compiles cases from sources like TRACE Compendium, DOJ, SEC, and others. The data is an aggregate value of all years until 2022.

Enforcement / International Enforcement

Dataset: Cross-border Corruption Cases Dataset

Other Indicators of the International Enforcement component

Convictions against heads of governments

convictions of political leaders who served as heads of government, between 1946 and 2020. To be included, leaders must have been convicted by a domestic civil court after holding office. The dataset excludes convictions by foreign, international, or military courts, as well as impeachments and removals from office.

Cross-border corruption cases concluded

The number of cross-border initiated cases involving firms and foreign public officials by country. The dataset compiles cases from sources like TRACE Compendium, DOJ, SEC, and others. The data is an aggregate value of all years until 2022.