
Political Financing Score 2012

Strength of the legal framework on campaign and political financing

Regulation / Political Financing Regulation

Dataset: EuroPAM

Other Indicators of the Political Financing Regulation component

Bans and limits on private income

This indicator captures whether the existing legislation contemplates bans on private donations, including from foreign interests, corporations, trade unions, and anonymous sources.

Public funding

This indicator captures whether the existing legislation incorporates provisions to determine eligibility for public funding to political parties and how public funding is allocated. Additionally, the indicator considers whether public funding to political parties incorporates provisions to foster gender equality among political parties and candidates.

Regulations on spending

This indicator captures whether the existing legislation incorporates limits on spending and bans certain expenditures including vote-buying or the use of state resources to favor or disadvantage specific political parties or candidates.

Reporting, oversight and sanctions

This indicator captures whether the existing legislation defines specific reporting standards for political parties and campaign expenditures, as well as the existence of an adequate institutional framework to examine financial reports, investigate violations, and sanction political parties in case of infractions.